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Writer's pictureOlivia Sheppard

How to Make a Pupil Passport

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Pupil Passports are a person centred working tool suitable for those supporting pupils from EYFS through to post-16 provisions. The resource can be used to outline a pupil’s key strengths, needs and the strategies and key adjustments to teaching that are needed every day. Pupil Passports can provide a useful medium for meaningful discussion around learning between the teacher and the pupil, involving them positively in discussing effective approaches to enable better engagement. Working in a person-centred way is essential for not only populating the passport but also for getting the most from using it.

What to Include in a Pupil Passport

Pupil passports are completely tailored to each pupil, so no two should be the same but it is good to have a template as to what to include. Ultimately, pupil passports are designed to enable you to help a student in a way that best fits their needs, so you can pick and choose from the following list based on what your pupil needs support with;

Basic information

It's not essential to include this, but I do find it helpful, especially if you have a cover teacher or teaching assistant supporting a pupil. This basic info can include things like their name, diagnosis, class, details of key family members etc. I would usually include this alongside a picture of the pupil and place the text right at the top. It could look like this; My name is Tom, I'm 7 and in Red Class. I have autism and ADHD. I live at home with my Mom and 2 brothers, Jim and Toby.

What's Important to Me

These are things that help the pupil feel calm, relaxed and at ease. It could be strategies to help them regulate, activities that they like to do or things you can do to prepare them for new events.

Examples could be;

  • To have plenty of time to prepare for new things

  • Having my timetable so I know what to expect throughout the day

  • Being outside a lot so I can run around

  • Being able to talk about my favourite things

Likes and Dislikes

An essential part of a Pupil Passport in my opinion! To make progress with a child, you have to build a relationship with them and understanding their likes and dislikes is an easy way to build rapport. It can also be useful to know their likes so they could be used as part of a reward system, and likewise, their dislikes may also be triggers so it's important to keep an eye out for those.

  • I like: SpongeBob Sqaurepants, playing on my iPad, eating pizza, being outside, spending time with my brothers

  • I dislike: loud noises, avocados, perfumes, playing football, sitting still for a long time

What People Like About Me

This is a lovely session to involve the child in to help build their self-esteem and self-confidence. Sometimes, children with SEN can feel lonely and excluded and that people have a negative view of them. This helps them realise that many people love them and that there are many things about them that people like;

  • I am really friendly and kind to people

  • I can use an iPad really well and I can edit videos for people

  • I have lots of energy and like to play

  • I like to learn and ask lots of questions

I Communicate By

Not every child will speak fluently, or even at all so it is important to understand how each child communicates so that you can attend to their needs and wants accordingly. It is important to understand their level of independence with communication, any situations they may need support in, and any behavioural signs that you need to be aware of.

  • I do not use verbal language but do use PECS and my Communication Book

  • I like to have choices offered to me using PECS and I will make a decision independently

  • If I am upset, I may cry or scream. If I am really upset, I may hit myself or others.

How Best to Support Me

This is for you! These are the strategies that work best with this individual child and how you can help them achieve their various goals.

  • Let me do as much as I can on my own, even if it takes a long time. I will ask for help when I need it.

  • Explain things to me clearly

  • Praise me when I do something good and update my star chart

  • I need timers when we are about to move activities

  • Allow me regular movement breaks or to play with the sensory box

These are just a few suggestions of what to use in a Pupil Passport but remember, this is a working document. This should be updated regularly with any developments, new behaviours, new goals or changes. Where possible, try to keep it to 1 page so that it can be a quick and easy resource to grab and instantly have an overview of the pupil you are supporting.

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